

Cardiology provides all aspects of cardiovascular care—from diagnostic testing to therapy, to follow-up—tailoring a care plan for the individual patient to ensure the best outcomes. Patients with congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system receive consistent, personalized care from cardiologists throughout their lives.

Cardiologists treat wide range of heart and blood vessel problems including arrhythmia, congenital and ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valve disorders, coronary artery disease and hypertension.  Cardiologists help victims of heart disease return to a full and useful life, counsel patients about the risks and prevention of heart disease. 

For making the right diagnosis patient may need such examination tests as:

  • ECG (electrocardiogram), which records the rhythm and electrical activity of the heart
  • Holter Monitor - 24hour ECG
  • Exercise test (treadmill test)
  • Echocardiogram (ultrasound scan), which uses sound waves to produce a detailed picture of the heart
  • Cardiac event monitors, which continuously record the rhythm and electrical activity of the heart
  • 24 hour blood pressure monitors, which record the blood pressure for 24 hours
  • Stress echocardiogram, which uses ultrasound to examine your heart when it is under stress.


  • Transesophageal echocardiogram - An echocardiogram that involves passing an ultrasound sensor into your esophagus


  • Cardiac CT angiography, Cardiac MRI


  • Cardiac catheterization, which can provide coronary angiography (visualization of arteries by contrast dye injecting), angioplasty (stenting to open narrowed or blocked segments of a coronary artery), valvuloplasty (widening of narrowed heart valve), biopsy (taking a tissue sample from inside the heart), check the pressure in the four chambers of the heart, look for defects in heart valves or chambers.

