Shovi is located in Oni district, 1600 meters above sea level in the river Chanchakhi. There are lot of carbonic hydrocarbon-calcium-sodium and iron healing water here. Shovi mineral sources have so far only been used to treat diseases of the digestive organs and urinary tract. The combination of the climatic factors of this resort with its balneotherapeutic factors is conducive to the complex treatment of complex diseases. Treatment indications in Shovi (Akhalchala, Nedzvi, Utsera, Tsinubani) are: Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Ischemic heart disease, the first functional class strain stable angina (Canadian Society of Cardiology classification), the first stage of essential hypertension (WHO classification), essential hypertension, varicose veins of the lower extremities vascular atherosclerosis obliterans, progressive ischemia and without gangrene, thrombophlebitis, 2-4 months after ceasing to burn process; Also - Diseases of the respiratory system: Bronchial asthma - mildly present, in remission stage, chronic nonstructural bronchitis in remission stage, chronic obstructive bronchitis in remission stage; Diseases of the digestive system - refluxesophagitis, without exacerbations, gastric and duodenal ulcer in complete or incomplete remission phase, without bleeding, 2 months after surgery, infectious hepatitis inactive phase and 1-2 remission Chronic cholecystitis and Cholangitis, chronic pancreatitis; Diseases of the genitourinary system; Gynecological diseases, diseases of the bones and joints etc.