A bee sting causes severe pain and a burning sensation.
The bite area is red and swollen, sometimes with slight swelling. Yes, despite the strong itching sensation, try not to scratch the bite and avoid scratching the skin.
In case of a mild sting (when the person is not allergic), the first thing to do is to remove the stinger from the skin surface as quickly and as carefully as possible. It is recommended to wash the bite area with soap and water and apply a cold compress. The burning and discomfort will subside within a few hours.
About 2 million people worldwide have an allergic reaction to bee stings, and these individuals are at risk of a life-threatening reaction. While for many people, a bee sting causes only minor symptoms and discomfort (burning, redness, itching, pain), in allergic individuals the condition is much more severe and the risk of anaphylactic shock is a concern.
Anaphylaxis is very serious and self-medication is unacceptable - the patient should be immediately taken to the emergency department of a clinic.
Call an ambulance or take the patient to the clinic yourself if you have any of the following symptoms: