What foods should you avoid eating before bed?

What foods should you avoid eating before bed?

In general, it is better not to eat anything before bed, but if you cannot refuse snacks, give preference to healthy products.

The fact is that the diet selected late in the evening has a serious impact on the quality of sleep and is often the cause of insomnia.

Before talking about food, let's comment on drinks. Do not drink caffeinated drinks after lunch. In the evening, before going to bed, you should also give up energy drinks.

After a hard day's work, drinking alcohol at home, in the background of an entertaining TV show, is a method of relaxation for many people, however, you forget about one negative factor, namely, alcoholic beverages will wake you up at night, therefore, you will not be able to get rid of drowsiness and a bad mood the next morning.

Water is necessary for the body and health, although you should drink this useful drink during the day. Don't drink large amounts of water late in the evening, as you will need to use the bathroom during the night and will likely have difficulty falling back asleep.

Do not eat before bed: