Breast Swelling

Breast Swelling

What are the symptoms of breast swelling?

The breast is made up of four main tissues: fatty, mammary, glandular, and connective.

When swollen, the breast appears larger and the blood vessels under the skin appear more prominent.

Other possible symptoms include:

  • A feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • Discomfort around the breast and in the armpit;
  • A change in the texture of the breast skin.

In some clinical cases, you may feel warm or hot to the touch.

Be sure to consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms along with breast swelling:

  • A ruptured pimple;
  • The pimple or breast skin has changed color;
  • Some kind of dimpling or wrinkling has appeared on the skin of the breast;
  • You have difficulty breastfeeding your baby due to severe breast swelling;
  • You feel a cyst-like hardened formation in your breast;
  • A sore on your breast does not heal;
  • You have discharge from the pimple and you cannot associate it with anything.
