How to prevent ankle sprains?

How to prevent ankle sprains?

Ankle sprains cause discomfort and temporary immobilization.

In itself, it slows down the daily rhythm of a person, because even taking care of personal hygiene independently in the background of tension and pain is a serious challenge.

It is necessary to adequately manage the symptom and follow the recommendations, because otherwise chronic ankle pain, instability of the ankle joint and even arthritis will develop.

Of course, no one's goal is to artificially cause an ankle sprain, and this condition can be so unintentionally formed that the patient does not even remember where and under what circumstances it happened. However, there are some effective methods that can minimize the risk of serious ankle sprains in the future.


  • Strengthen/tighten the ankle;
  • Before physical activity, prepare the body and especially the lower limbs accordingly;
  • Wear comfortable shoes;
  • Choose a route tailored to you;
  • Listen to the body - in fact, the limb always warns us that it is tired, but we rarely pay attention.
