I'm on a diet from Monday - here's why you can't lose weight, the most common mistakes in the process of fighting excess weight

I'm on a diet from Monday - here's why you can't lose weight, the most common mistakes in the process of fighting excess weight

Losing weight is a challenge for some people.

You may complain that you don't see the desired results despite a healthy lifestyle and wonder why. You might be surprised, but it's quite expected that you'll be making some of these common mistakes.

The most common mistakes in the process of fighting excess weight:

  • You focus on the scale. You may have forgotten that often lost weight is reflected in the circumference, and not only in numbers, on the scale;
  • You're misunderstanding the calorie deficit. Either you absorb too many calories, or on the contrary, less than necessary;
  • Either you don't exercise at all, or you strain your body too much with physical exertion;
  • You have not tried weight training;
  • Follow a low-fat diet;
  • You should enjoy exercising, and you have become obsessed with controlling how many calories you burn;
  • There is not enough protein in the diet;
  • You cannot remember the last time you ate a fiber-rich product;
  • You eat very often and enter the kitchen even when you are not hungry;
  • You pay a lot of attention to the product, but for some reason you don't drink the recommended dose of water;
  • You have unrealistic expectations and because of these fantasies you lose the desire to follow the diet or stop halfway. For example, if your goal is to wear 3 pant sizes smaller in a month or to have perfect abs in 2 weeks, this is incredible. You should lose weight gradually, healthily and without strict diets;
  • You drink carbonated and sweet drinks.


