Peritonitis - In case of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately

Peritonitis - In case of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum.

Peritoneum, a tissue membrane, is a membrane that surrounds the inner wall of the abdomen and covers the organs located in the abdominal cavity.

It is a bacterial or fungal infection - doctors distinguish between spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and secondary peritonitis.

The pathology requires urgent medical intervention, because if you do not treat it in time, a life-threatening infection will develop in the body.

Get medical attention if you have severe abdominal pain, bloating, or a feeling of fullness, or your abdomen is tender, and these signs are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Fever;
  •  Vomiting;
  •  Stomach problems;
  •  Urine is reduced;
  •  Feeling of thirst;
  •  It is difficult for you to work your stomach or empty your body of gases.

Contact your doctor if you are on peritoneal dialysis and the dialysis fluid has any of the following:

  •  Unusual color or cloudy;
  •  Has white spots;
  •  Unusual smell.

Call 911 for the following symptoms:

  •  You have severe, acute abdominal pain;
  •  After an injury or an accident, you suffer from abdominal pain.
