Protein is essential for the body.
It is beneficial for muscle, skin, hormones, virtually all tissues of the body.
Protein is involved in all the processes going on in the body - it is the building block of cells, the basis of bone and muscle mass.
It is desirable to maintain the balance of this nutrient in the body, because otherwise the risk of developing a number of pathologies increases.
Protein deficiency is manifested by such noticeable symptoms as: weak and brittle nails, hair loss, loss of muscle mass, frequent illnesses with various infections, constant weakness and fatigue, bloating, low mood, impaired immunity, swollen ankles and etc.
The following products are rich in protein:
- Eggs;
- Almonds;
- Chicken breast;
- Oats;
- Cottage cheese;
- Greek yogurt;
- Milk;
- Broccoli;
- Lean beef;
- Fish;
- Lentils;
- Pumpkin;
- Turkey chest;
- Peanut;
- Brussels sprouts.