Escalaphobia - Are you afraid of the escalator?

Escalaphobia - Are you afraid of the escalator?

We will tell you about one of the most common phobias.

Many people in different parts of the world suffer from escalaphobia. Because of this phobia, many of them avoid traveling on the subway or refuse to go shopping in a shopping mall where they have to move up with the escalator.

Psychologists explain that most people with this phobia are afraid of falling on the escalator.

Why are you afraid of an escalator? In general, a phobia arises against the background of a negative event, for example, you may witness an incident or throw a shoelace in the escalator yourself, as a child your mother may have been frightened not to walk, and so on.

Please note that only the emotional background is not involved here - the risk of falling on the escalator increases if a person has difficulty maintaining body balance, does not perceive depth correctly, has vision problems, and often suffers from dizziness; In all these conditions, it is necessary to assess the question with a doctor, therefore, be guided by his recommendations.

Often escalator fears are associated with other phobias, such as basmophobia. Basmophobia is the fear of stairs or steep slopes.

If you have a loved one who has told you at least once that they are afraid to go up the escalator, take their phobia seriously and do not make fun of them - if the fear of the escalator is in a very acute phase, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Of course, you avoid the place where the escalator is located, however, you may find yourself in an environment where there is no alternative, and how will you behave? That is why it is necessary to overcome fear with the help of a professional, not to limit the pace of life, to learn how to manage phobias.
