Shortness of breath is called dyspnea in medical language.
At this time, a person feels as if there is not enough air, there is no oxygen in the lungs or he has to inhale when he has not yet exhaled normally. Yes, it is a very unpleasant feeling and often, the condition becomes worse against the background of fear.
Shortness of breath is a symptom of a number of conditions.
Shortness of breath is acute if it occurs for several hours or days, but chronic when it bothers you for more than 4-8 weeks.
The causes of shortness of breath can be such circumstances as:
- Being in a high-altitude region;
- Air pollution due to smog or carbon monoxide;
- Extreme air temperatures;
- Intense physical exertion.
The causes of acute or chronic shortness of breath can be the following diseases:
- Allergy;
- Anemia;
- Asthma;
- Heart failure;
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
- Guillain-Barré syndrome;
- Heart attack;
- Arrhythmia;
- Heart disease;
- Lung disease;
- Obesity;
- Pneumonia;
- Pulmonary edema;
- Pulmonary embolism;
- Pulmonary arterial hypertension;
- Tuberculosis, etc.
Sometimes the cause of shortness of breath is sitting for a long time, especially if you have chosen a bad posture.