Dental emergency - when does a tooth require emergency medical care?

Dental emergency - when does a tooth require emergency medical care?

In some clinical cases, emergency oral care is needed.

Some of you may not have heard of a dental emergency, but there are situations when you can't afford to delay a visit to the dentist.

You should immediately contact a dental clinic if:

  • You broke a tooth;
  • Your seal has fallen out;
  • The integrity of the tooth crown is broken;
  • Infection in the oral cavity;
  • Severe bleeding in the mouth.

By itself, the most common reason for consulting a dentist is toothache. However, doctors confirm that sometimes the patient does not take toothache seriously, in particular, he takes a painkiller and at this time the process worsens, for example, from mild caries to the complete loss of a tooth, it often happened; Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as the pain appears.

Remember, oral health is closely related to the well-being of the whole body - a dental infection can spread to other organs and systems, causing serious complications.

Untreated gum disease is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and pregnancy complications.


