Are third degree burns considered a serious injury?
Yes, a third degree burn is a serious injury and in a large percentage of clinical cases, it is formed due to extreme temperature, chemical or light source.
Third degree burns require immediate medical attention. Sometimes the patient does not realize how serious the burn is, because he cannot feel pain or discomfort due to nerve damage. Self-medication is not allowed, and in order to prevent any complications, you should immediately consult a specialist.
People often get third-degree burns on their face and limbs, but no other part of the body is insured.
Recovery time is individual, the size and area of the burn should be taken into account.
A third degree burn leaves a scar on the skin. However, the treating doctor will definitely teach you the method of burn treatment, and if you follow all the instructions correctly, the scar will decrease in size. The scar may fade (shrink in size, fade, become less noticeable, etc.) over time.
Burns are usually preventable.
For prevention, to reduce the risk, it is recommended:
- Apply sun protection cream;
- Do not touch hot objects;
- Avoid children as much as possible from objects where there is a risk of burns;
- Lower the temperature of hot water at home;
- Before giving food or drink to children, check the temperature;
- Avoid open flames;
- Wear protective clothing if you have to go near an object with extreme temperatures.