Some symptoms that require consultation with a mammologist

Some symptoms that require consultation with a mammologist

Consultation with a mammologist.

Every woman should take care of her health, undergo a routine examination and have a doctor of various profiles assess the state of her body even when there is nothing to worry about (practically healthy person with no symptoms).

You should consult a mammologist in the following clinical cases:

• Breast pain that is not related to menstruation;
• Any type of discharge from the nipple (nipple);
• Deformation of the hole;
• Redness of the breast skin;
• Firmness in the chest;
• Breast swelling;
• Enlargement of the lymph node in the armpit;
• Any type of new growth on the skin;
• A change in the size of one of the breast glands;
• You are planning pregnancy;
• Annual routine check-up for women over 30 years of age.

Annual screening is extremely important if there is a family history of diseases such as breast diseases. Annual screening should be performed if you have a history of endocrine system pathologies and gynecological diseases.

You should consult a specialist in the following situations:

• Late (over 50) or early (under 45) menopause;
• First pregnancy at age over 35 years;
• Infertility;
• Hormonal disorders;
• Chronic stress;
• Early (under 11) or late (over 16) first menstruation.

