Hyperactive immunity - when the body can no longer see the difference between healthy cells and harmful bacteria

Hyperactive immunity - when the body can no longer see the difference between healthy cells and harmful bacteria

What is an overactive immune system?

In a normal state, the main mission of the immune system is to protect the body from harmful bacteria, microbes, viruses and any other pathogens that cause damage to the body.

In an autoimmune disease, this mechanism is disrupted - the immune system thinks that the skin, joints or other healthy tissues are foreign bodies and mistakenly fights them. An overactive immune system means that the body can no longer tell the difference between healthy cells and harmful foreign bodies.

Statistically, women suffer from autoimmune disorders more often than men.

Common symptoms of hyperactive immunity include:

  • Fatigue;
  • Joint and muscle pain;
  • Digestive system problem;
  • Weight loss or gain;
  • Hair loss;
  • Skin dryness, swelling, rash, redness.

It is formed due to both genetic and environmental factors.

To manage hyperactive immunity, it is recommended:

  • Remove from the diet the products promoting the inflammatory process;
  • Refuse those self-care products that contain irritating ingredients;
  • Avoid stressful environment as much as possible;
  • Consider the doctor's recommendation - take supplements or probiotics selected by a specialist as prescribed.

