How long-term use of a mobile phone changes health

How long-term use of a mobile phone changes health

A few signs that you spend too much time on your mobile.

Due to the rhythm of modern life, many people's day starts with browsing social networks or checking other information on their mobile phones. Due to the modern functions, the mobile phone is no longer just a means of sending a message or making a call to a close person - it is, in fact, our little world.

Adequate dose of mobile phone use is not dangerous for anyone, however, when you spend a lot of time in front of the screen, the risk of a number of health problems increases.

Some signs that you are spending too much time on your phone:

  • Eye strain, stress on the organ of sight;
  • Head and neck pain;
  • Increased anxiety level;
  • Insomnia;
  • Thumb pain
  • It is difficult for you to adapt to the real space, in fact, you ignore family members and friends;
  • Low self-esteem. You often compare your appearance or lifestyle with people depicted in photos and videos uploaded on social networks.
