Do you sleep with wet hair?

Do you sleep with wet hair?

Can you sleep with wet hair?

Sleeping with wet hair creates a favorable environment for the development of bacterial and fungal infections on the scalp or face.

The function of hair is:

  • Mechanical protection of the skin (from risk factors in the environment);
  • Increases skin sensitivity function;
  • Promotes the ability to regulate body temperature.

Some reasons why you should not sleep with wet hair:

  • In cool temperatures, the skin of the head loses much more heat, therefore, a feeling of coldness arises, which will prevent you from sleeping peacefully. Insomnia is harmful and first of all leaves a negative mark on the mood;
  • The longer the hair is wet (even overnight) the greater the risk of fungus. Fungus is a prerequisite for the formation of a skin disease such as seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Against the background of wet hair, the risk of hair loss and dandruff aggravation increases;
  • When you sleep with wet hair, the follicles are damaged. This is why the hair becomes brittle;
  • Acne occurs when oil accumulates in the hair follicles, under the skin. Wet hair promotes the growth of bacteria in the pores.


