Gangrene - causes

Gangrene - causes

Why is gangrene formed?

Gangrene is the death of body tissues.

The causes are:

  •  Blood circulation failure;
  •  Bacterial infection;
  •  Trauma, damage.

The risk of gangrene increases against the background of the following factors:

  •  Diabetes;
  •  Blood vessel disease;
  •  Severe injury/trauma;
  •  Tobacco;
  •  Overweight;
  •  Immunosuppression;
  •  Injections (in rare clinical cases).

If you do not treat it in time, serious complications may develop due to gangrene. The bacteria will quickly spread to other tissues and organs. In order to save the patient's life, it may be necessary to amputate any organ or part of the body.

Treatment of gangrene requires surgical excision of dead tissues, antibiotic and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are effective.

The prognosis for recovery is much higher in clinical cases when the course of treatment is started on time.
