Night sweats - some methods that will help to relieve the discomfort

Night sweats - some methods that will help to relieve the discomfort

Some useful tips.

It's a fact - everyone sweats, and the release of sweat from the body is a normal process, a natural reaction of the body to temperature.

Often the cause of night sweats is environmental factors, however, in some clinical cases, it is a symptom of a number of conditions or diseases (side effects of some medications, menopause, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases, obesity, stress, drinking alcohol before sleep, overactive thyroid gland, and others).

If you are chronically suffering from night sweats and the condition has not improved despite the medical measures taken, we recommend that you consult a doctor and determine the underlying cause.

To reduce night sweats, we recommend:

  •  Wear a light nightgown, the clothes should be loose, the skin should breathe;
  •  Avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy food before going to bed;
  •  Drink cold water before going to sleep;
  •  Ventilated the bedroom;
  •  Relax your body, avoid stressful environment as much as possible;
  •  Avoid exercise and physical activity late in the evening.
