How is vitamin deficiency anemia treated?

How is vitamin deficiency anemia treated?

At the time of this diagnosis, there is a lack of healthy erythrocytes in the patient's blood.

Vitamins associated with vitamin deficiency anemia include folic acid, vitamin B-12, and vitamin C.

Blood tests are provided for diagnosis.

To help diagnose vitamin deficiency anemias, you might have blood tests that check for:

  •  The number and appearance of red blood cells
  •  The amount of vitamin B-12 and folate in the blood
  •  The presence of antibodies to intrinsic factor, which indicates pernicious anemia


Vitamin deficiency anemia is treated with doses of whichever vitamin is lacking. For pernicious anemia, vitamin B-12 is usually delivered via injection and may need to be taken regularly for the rest of your life.

