Take Off Your Shoes Before Entering Your Home

Take Off Your Shoes Before Entering Your Home

Scientists advise us to take off our shoes as soon as we enter the house and protect our family members from harmful bacteria.

Researchers at the University of Houston found that about 40% of shoes were carrying the nasty “C.diff” bacterium, which stands for Clostridium Difficile. These spores are not at all easy to treat.

This bacterium infects the intestines and in case of severe infection, hospitalization becomes necessary.

Can you imagine how many harmful bacteria besides Clostridium Difficile can be found on the shoes you walk around halfway through the city?

The University of Arizona decided to assess the quantity of bacteria and they were not disappointed – they found more than 400,000 different units! They are the cause of infections in the eyes, lungs and stomach. 

It is recommended to reach for your slippers the moment you get home and wash your hands.


