Situated on the slopes of the Meskheti (Adjara-Imereti) ridge, it is located at 1913-1990 meters above sea level. The climate here is a combination of medium mountain (upper belt) and sea climate. Bakhmaro is especially useful in summer, as the winters are cold and the snow cover is very high (sometimes as high as 4-5 meters) and lasts up to 6 months. Natural Healing Factors: Medium mountain upper belt weathering in combination with sea climate. They are treated with passive and active (air and sun baths) climatotherapy.
Treatment indications in Bakhmaro (Bakuriani, Beshumi, Gomi Mountain) are: ischemic heart disease, stable functional first degree strain angina, myocardial dystrophies of various etiologies, acquired heart valve defects without left venous hole and aortic artery stenosis after 6-8 months of active process Hypotension, bronchial asthma A - mild, in remission, chronic bronchitis unstructured in remission, chronic obstructive bronchitis in remission, iron deficiency anemia (anemia, severe vitamin deficiency disease caused by iron deficiency or post-hemorrhagic).