If jogging does not fascinate you much, this article will make you really happy.
Usually when a person wants to lose weight and it comes down to physical activity, the first thing that comes to mind about exercise is jogging.
Of course, jogging is very useful and effectively helps you fight extra pounds, however because you do not like jogging if you cannot, it is quite possible to even lose the desire to correct the circumference of the body. However, there are other methods of exercise that will help you burn a lot more calories in the same amount of time.
Running at 5 mph for 30 minutes should burn something like 298 calories. Now I will tell you how many calories you will burn in 30 minutes with another type of exercise:
- Jumping rope — 372 calories
- Swimming (crawl) — 409 calories
- Rock-climbing — 409 calories
- Bicycling — 614 calories
- Step aerobics — 372 calories
- Elliptical workout — 335 calories
- Handball — 446 calories
Bonus for mothers
If you have children at home, you will not really need to buy a gym ticket, as an adult burns 372 calories during an hour of play with children.