If your heart rate is slower than normal.

If your heart rate is slower than normal.

Bradycardia is a slower than normal heart rate.

Due to bradycardia, the heart can no longer supply the body with a sufficient amount of oxygen-rich blood, thus significantly increasing the risk of developing serious health problems.

If you have bradycardia, your heart beats fewer than 60 times a minute.

A resting heart rate slower than 60 beats a minute is normal for some people, particularly healthy young adults and trained athletes.

An implanted pacemaker can correct bradycardia and help your heart maintain an appropriate rate.

Bradycardia can be caused by:

  •  Heart tissue damage related to aging
  •  Damage to heart tissues from heart disease or heart attack
  •  Heart disorder present at birth (congenital heart defect)
  •  A complication of heart surgery
  •  Underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)
  •  Imbalance of chemicals in the blood, such as potassium or calcium
  •  Repeated disruption of breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea)
  •  Inflammatory disease, such as rheumatic fever or lupus
  •  Medications, including some drugs for other heart rhythm disorders, high blood pressure and psychosis

A key risk factor for bradycardia is age. Heart problems, which are often associated with bradycardia, are more common in older adults.
