A ruptured spleen - what are the symptoms of spleen injury?

A ruptured spleen - what are the symptoms of spleen injury?

What is a spleen rupture?

A ruptured spleen is a medical emergency that occurs as a result of a break in your spleen's surface. It is an emergency medical condition because part of the spleen is involved. The cause of splenic rupture is a strong, direct trauma, for example, developed in the background of sports activity, physical quarrel, or car accident. However, if you have an enlarged spleen, even a minor injury/trauma is enough to break the integrity of the body.

Urgent medical intervention is required as otherwise life-threatening internal bleeding will develop.

Without emergency treatment, the internal bleeding caused by a ruptured spleen can be life-threatening.

Some people with ruptured spleens need emergency surgery. Others can be treated with several days of hospital care. The course of treatment is individual and depends on the severity of the specific clinical case.

Signs and symptoms of a ruptured spleen include:

  •  Pain in the upper left abdomen
  •  Tenderness when you touch the upper left abdomen
  •  Left shoulder pain
  •  Confusion, lightheadedness, or dizziness

If you've been diagnosed with an enlarged spleen, ask your doctor whether you need to avoid activities for several weeks that could cause it to rupture. These might include contact sports, heavy lifting, and other activities that increase the risk of abdominal trauma.
