Foods highest in vitamin D - Which foods contain vitamin A from the sun?

Foods highest in vitamin D - Which foods contain vitamin A from the sun?

Why is Vitamin D beneficial?

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin required by the body for both physical and mental health.

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin required by the body for the absorption of calcium, bone development, immune functioning and alleviation of inflammation.

A deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to rickets and osteomalacia.

Vitamin from sunlight significantly reduces the risk of infection, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

As we read in the article, the largest amount of vitamin D in the body is produced when a person is in the sun, walking in sunny weather - the main natural source of this vitamin is the sun's rays, and 10% of vitamin D is produced from food.

Rich in Vitamin D:

  • Fish;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Milk;
  • Yogurt;
  • Cereals;
  • Orange juice;
  • Eggs;
  • Pork rib.

