How to start exercising - advice for beginners

How to start exercising - advice for beginners

Regular exercise is the best gift for your body.

However, changing from an inactive, sedentary lifestyle to an active athlete in one day is incredible and harmful.

That is why the first recommendation that you should take into account is to undergo a complete physical medical examination, and especially for those who are going to engage in high-intensity exercises, which in themselves require energy and endurance of the body.

During the medical examination, it will be determined whether you have any hidden problems that could provoke injury or other symptoms during exercise.

The exercise routine should include the following conditions:

  • Make a plan for physical activity and set realistic goals;
  • Make exercise a habit;
  • Increase the intensity over time;
  • Start with a program designed for a relatively light load;
  • Always drink water;
  • Follow a balanced diet along with the fitness program. should eat foods rich in nutrients;
  • Warm up before each exercise and relax and cool your muscles at the end of the exercise;
  • Listen to your body - if you feel discomfort or a muscle is tight, rest and continue training after a few days.
