Colds - when is a sick person contagious, during or after symptoms appear?

Colds - when is a sick person contagious, during or after symptoms appear?

What should you know about the common cold?

A cold is an upper respiratory tract infection that spreads easily. The ideal environment for the spread of the virus is classrooms, work, public gathering places, home.

In a normal state, the symptoms resolve within 10 days from a week. Be sure to consult a doctor if the general condition does not improve even after 10 days.

The virus spreads easily from person to person - for example, when an infected person coughs or sneezes, droplets spread in the air, and if you inhale it, you will get sick. Droplets may fall on the surface of an object, and if you touch and then put your hand to your eyes, mouth or nose, the virus will spread to you.

When is a sick patient contagious?

You can be contagious for a cold for up to 2 weeks.

A person is contagious even a day or two before symptoms appear. However, you are most contagious when your symptoms are acute (usually within the first 3 days of being sick).

Incubation period

The incubation period is the time interval from infection to the appearance of the first symptom. For colds, this period ranges from 12 hours to 3 days after contracting the virus.

