Obsessive love

Obsessive love

When love becomes a mental problem.

During obsessive love, a person perceives the desired person as an object and property. If the symptom is not managed in time, the obsession can turn into violence.

During this feeling, the person does not perceive the loved one as an equal, he tries as much as possible to present himself as his owner. If in healthy love you do everything to make your loved one happy, in case of obsession you start using it.

You may be surprised, but sometimes a love candidate does not exist in real life, for example, a person with this diagnosis may have strong feelings for a completely unknown person and a famous star.

Obsessive love may be caused by:

  • Erotomania;
  • Borderline personality disorder;
  • Attachment
  • In the past, a loved one left you and trauma developed;
  • You are afraid that they will leave you;
  • Other mental illnesses in the anamnesis;
  • For some people, this type of feeling is considered a social and cultural norm.



