Scars - why not burn a rash?

Scars - why not burn a rash?

What is a scar?

A scar, a formation of a firm consistency of the skin, is formed due to trauma, wound, surgical intervention or disease (any pathology of the skin).

In case of skin disease, it is necessary to show special will and it is not allowed to rub the rash, because in case of mechanical irritation of the acne, the risk of scar development increases. If the rash has cleared, but the scar is still there, you probably irritated the pus with your hands (draining the nipple). That is why you should not touch acne!

Genetic predisposition should also be considered, for example, some people are prone to scarring.

There are different types of scars - one of the most difficult to deal with acne is the so-called keloid scar.

Treatment of scars

Remember, scarring is a natural part of the treatment/healing process. Some never completely disappear.

A number of treatment methods are implemented to make the scar less visible.


  • Local silicone gel;
  • Steroids;
  • Surgical treatment;
  • Skin camouflage;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Skin fillers;
  • Cryotherapy.




