How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy and when to consult an  obstetrician-gynecologist?

How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy and when to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist?

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. During this diagnosis, the development of the fertilized egg cannot take place.

In case of any unusual complaint, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor - timely diagnosis and treatment are necessary, because in an untreated clinical case, the raised tissue may cause life-threatening bleeding.


You may not notice any symptoms at first. However, some women who have an ectopic pregnancy have the usual early signs or symptoms of pregnancy — a missed period, breast tenderness and nausea. If you take a pregnancy test, the result will be positive.

Early warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Often, the first sign is vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain.

Critical symptoms (urgent emergency care), an emergency situation, when severe bleeding in the abdominal cavity is recorded.

Symptoms characteristic of a life-threatening condition are: shock, loss of consciousness, feeling of heart failure.

Call an emergency ambulance, take the patient to the emergency department of the clinic with the following symptoms:

  •  Severe abdominal or pelvic pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding;
  •  Feeling of heart failure or loss of consciousness;
  •  Shoulder pain.
