Travel and menstruation.
You may have noticed that your period starts late or not at all that month due to travel.
A normal menstrual cycle is affected by stress. Hormones that appear in the background of stress have a negative impact on many systems and organs, therefore, menstruation is no exception.
No matter how pleasant a vacation may be, travel still involves a small percentage of anxiety, stress; For example, you may consume more alcohol than usual, exert yourself physically to discover a new place, walk a lot and do not have time to sleep. Mentally, you may feel good, but it is quite expected that the body will react in the opposite way to having fun and parties and feel in a stressful environment.
Note that the normal rhythm of menstruation can be temporarily disrupted even when you cross time zones. The body has its own biological clock, according to which it guides when to sleep and when to wake up. The biological clock is set on the original time zone and cannot adjust to the new time of travel, the same goes for the cycle.
Any change in the natural biorhythm affects menstruation.