Kyphosis is an exaggerated, forward rounding of the upper back.
Excessively sharp kyphosis forms a coccyx - the upper part of the spine is curved during the disease. During active progression of the pathology, the human silhouette takes the form of a question mark.
Kyphosis can develop at any age, although the diagnosis is especially common in the elderly.
Mild kyphosis may produce no noticeable signs or symptoms. In fact, the upper back naturally has a little kyphosis. People who have excessive curvature may experience back pain and stiffness.
In addition to causing back pain, kyphosis may cause:
- Breathing problems
- Limited physical functions. Kyphosis is associated with weakened back muscles and difficulty doing tasks such as walking and getting out of chairs. The spinal curvature can also make it difficult to gaze upward or drive and can cause pain when you lie down.
- Digestive problems.
- Body image problems. People with kyphosis, especially adolescents, may have poor body image from having a rounded back.