What is cataplexy?
Cataplexy is a sudden muscle weakness that occurs while a person is awake.
Strong emotions trigger cataplexy. The triggering experiences are usually positive, but episodes may also be triggered by negative emotions.
Episodes of cataplexy can vary in severity. Less severe episodes involve momentary sensations of weakness in a few muscles, while more severe episodes, a person collapses and cannot move or speak.
While the cause of cataplexy is still being investigated, most people with cataplexy show a loss of certain brain cells that produce the hormone orexin (also called hypocretin). Orexin plays an important role in the sleep-wake cycle.
Lifestyle changes help many people manage their symptoms; As some people with the diagnosis say, episodes of cataplexy attack have been significantly reduced amid restful sleep.
Treatment is individual and depends on the cause of the cataplexy.