Septicemia - How to guess the symptoms?

Septicemia - How to guess the symptoms?

What is blood poisoning?

Septicemia is an infection that occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread.

It requires immediate medical attention and antibiotic treatment.

The germs are usually bacteria but also can be viruses or fungi.

Anyone can get septicemia, but it’s more common in people who:

  •  Are very old or very young.
  •  Have had septicemia before.
  •  Have infections or other chronic medical conditions (for example, diabetes or cancer).
  •  Have severe injuries, such as extensive burns or open wounds.
  •  Have weak immune systems.

Early septicemia symptoms are:

  •  High fever.
  •  Chills.
  •  Weakness.
  •  Sweating.
  •  Drop in blood pressure.
