თუ ეს სიმპტომები გეცნობათ თქვენი დიაგნოზი ქრონიკული უძილობაა

თუ ეს სიმპტომები გეცნობათ თქვენი დიაგნოზი ქრონიკული უძილობაა

რა არის ქრონიკული ინსომნია?

Chronic insomnia means that a person suffers from insomnia for more than 3 months.

Pathology can be caused by diseases, bad sleeping habits, menopause and other conditions.

Therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes may help relieve symptoms. Timely diagnosis is necessary.

Insomnia is a common disorder - many people around the world do not sleep the recommended amount of time.

Intermittent sleep-related complaints are known as acute insomnia, and this form is much more common. Acute insomnia lasts only for a few days and is caused by stress or lifestyle changes.

There are two types of chronic insomnia:

  • primary insomnia;
  • Secondary insomnia.

A person suffers from symptoms characteristic of chronic insomnia both at night and during the day; Symptoms significantly reduce the patient's quality of life, interfere with daily activities.

Symptoms of chronic insomnia are:

  • you have trouble sleeping;
  • you wake up at night;
  • you have trouble waking up;
  • you wake up unusually early and your body is unable to rest;
  • Drowsiness during the day;
  • irritation;
  • depressed mood;
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • problems with memory;
  • Against the backdrop of insomnia, you often make mistakes and get into unpleasant situations.

Chronic insomnia develops for a number of reasons. In a large percentage of clinical cases, it appears against the background of diseases. Sometimes insomnia is a side effect of a particular medication.


